A Grasscloth Wallpaper Guide
What is grasscloth? How does it elevate a space? How should it be cared for? We're here to answer your questions and help you add this beautiful type of wallpaper to any design.

What is Grasscloth Wallpaper?
It's cloth made out of grass... duh! Just kidding! There's so much more to it.
Grasscloth is a general term for wallpaper made from woven natural fibers with a paper backing. The fibers can be hemp, nettle fiber, ramie, jute, sisal and reed, bamboo, and more. Very popular in the 1960s & '70s, today's grasscloth is more refined and colorful than the earth tones of the past. It is sewn, woven, and can be inlaid to create elaborate designs and textures. It can be colorfully dyed, mixed with metallics, or printed with patterns.

How Does It Elevate a Space?
Because grasscloth is made of natural fibers, even when using the same dyes and materials, no two rolls will ever be alike.
The texture, coloring, and combinations of textiles will always give it a unique and organic feel. This brings warmth and life to any space!

How Should Grasscloth Wallpaper Be Cared For?
Never clean grasscloth wallpaper with water as this can cause expansion. The easiest and best way to maintain grasscloth is by regularly vacuuming it with a dry soft brush attachment. Using gentle motions, vacuum your grasscloth wallpaper from different directions and be sure to go over it a few times to make sure all dust, dirt, and debris is picked up.
If something wet is spilled on it, immediately use a dry clean cloth to blot up any moisture. If there is anything stuck on the grasscloth, gently use the edge of a knife or spatula before blotting. If you choose to have it professionally cleaned, make sure your technician is using dry cleaning methods and that they test a small unnoticeable spot first.